Shuffly Music

Personalized music streaming player for Android

You could think "what, another music player for Android"?? Absolutely wrong, Shuffly Music is ....well, you are right, this is exactly another music streaming player for Android. But it doesn't require an account. And it is free from any kind of advertising. And the playlist is automatically build on the first song that you choose. Is it enough now?! Start the player searching a song, an artist, a genre or even a mood; Shuffly Music will start playing the song (streamed from Soundcloud) and will build automatically the playlist with songs similar to the one that you have searched for (according to LastFM). Shuffly Music provides the possibility to download the song (when it is allowed), save it in the local playlist or search artist and song info. Complete also with several music charts and song lyrics.
Get ready to discover new songs!

Shuffly Music is one of the simplest and friendliest options for streaming music you can find
by Uptodown

The best free streaming music for you to enjoy in your mobile phone
by PortalProgramas

Shuffly Music is a great choice for the default music app
by Taimienphi

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